Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year from Mendoza!

Had our team meal tonight--some nice Argentenian beef and a Malbec!  I really like our team.  We all talked ages today and confirmed I am the oldest although the Spices are 51 and 53 so close together.  anders is the youngest climber with the other four between 27 and 29--a young group on average despite my participation.

We went out into the streets and toasted New Yearś Argentina style--this seems to involve the locals dreinking a lot and shootin off very loud fireworks....

A very pleasant night--I say around 78 degrees or so.  tomorrow we drive to Los Pentientes at 11 and weĺl stay at the hotel there overnight before out climb begins in earnest on the 2nd.

Iĺl try to post one last time tomorrow before turning the blog back over to Judy.

Happy New Year and beam us energy!

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