Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Finally in the mountains! Our first acclimatization hike

Randy here.  We awoke this morning to pretty nice weather and had some butter soaked eggs and a bunch of other food I can't really describe.  Anders brought the Vias so at least we had some good Java!

The 10 of us rolled out of the hotel around 9:15 or so and spent just under 4:30 hiking up to around 10,000 feet.  The mountains around here are much prettier than I had expected and the whole team did well and we all felt strong.  Mike had predicted 5-6 hours so either we did well or he was hedging his expectations.  In any event, we had a great time hiking up to the Elbrus Observatory and then returning.  We just finished lunch which included a stroganoff thing (very good) and some sort of pink soup (less so).  

Anders and I are chilling a bit for the next few hours.  Mike will come by later to do a gear check and we have a late dinner here again at the hotel.  Tomorrow, we are to take the tram up onto Elbrus itself and practice on the snow/ice with all of our technical gear--so later this afternoon we'll need to organize our bigger packs for tomorrow.

Here is a summary of our climb today:

Some pictures from last night when we moved from St. Pete to Terskol:

The only store in Mineralyvne Vody airport:

Mike's birthday!

Your guess is as good as mine:

And pics from today:

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