Monday, September 26, 2022

Kona 9/25

 Beautiful day here with relatively mild weather.  Seemed cooler with relatively little wind.  Rained in the pm during a short ride…we also had brunch at Lava Java…brought back memories!

The main task of the day was to have a better swim.  I put my tri suit under my swim skin to try out what I think I’ll do on race day day.  That seemed to work well.  I tried to up my stroke cadence as in my wetsuit I tend to have a longer stroke with a bit of glide.  Without the wetsuit I felt I was probably bobbing up and down a bit.  On Saturday I only managed 31 spm but today was up to 35 spm.  This seemed to help.

Still nothing to write home about but I did manage to average 2:03/100 for 2100 yards.  My target is 1:55-2:00 for the race so at least I’m in the ball park:

I worked on my bike and got it mostly set up for the race….still experimenting a bit but I think I’m just going to go with my bta and two frame bottles for hydration.  I have enough other options for spare tubes, co2, nutrition, etc.  I’ll post a picture once I lock it down.  Took the bike out for a quick (21mph) hour spin.  

Spent most of the day chilling (and shaving my legs, etc.). Anders arrives tomorrow!

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