Sunday, August 25, 2024

Cedar Island 5K Swim

Did this swim race today for the 5th time.  My expectations were modest (just hope to not be more than 3-4 minutes slower than prior years) and I felt tired (bigger training week this week).  However, at around 12:50 I was in the water, which felt perfect (my Garmin had it at average of 70.6 degrees).  There was a fair amount of wind out of the South and blowing right into the longest stretch of what is essentially a big rectangle. This would prove to be a factor.

Turns out there were 251 starters (that finished--I don't know if anyone dropped out).  I started by the dock to the right of the course as we looked out to a white barrel that marked the 1st of 4 left turns.  Familiar swimmers in this race included my three training partners Midge, Dan and Bonnie.  Also in my Age Group was Dave Hirsch, who I've swam against a fair amount and he has beaten me by significant margins each time (in 2022 he was almost 4-minutes faster than me).  But he's had shoulder surgery and is likely not fully recovered as I swam faster than him in the 1.2-Mile Bay Swim earlier this year.

Rowdy Gaines, the three time gold medalist, sent us off.  And a controlled chaos soon ensued.  While I love this race, I do not like the 1st 100-150 yards.  First it's a mass start and I would say at least 2/3rds were there to go fast (whatever that means for each swimmer).  I basically kept my head up and navigated around swimmers and tried to avoid getting pushed into the docks on my right (blind) side.  That said, I experienced no significant drama and soon made the 90-degree left-hander  to the South and into the wind and a fair amount of chop right into us.

About 200 yards into the race I look over and I see Midge!  I can tell she sees me 2 and we start swimming next to each other.  It's a rough swim but we are likely getting a small tidal push (tide into the wind makes it choppier) and the first 500 passes in 7:51.  As we approach the 2nd turn buoy, I pick it up a bit and Midge follows not too far back.  The 2nd 500 is in 7:21(1:28/100).  We're moving!

As we head East, Midge pulls along side me and when we hit 1500 with a 8:19 500, she starts stretching it out.  Also, we were now into a modest tide against us.  I didn't think I should try to match her speed so I ducked in on her feet and was able to cruise along there for a good 500+ yards.  Our 4th 500 was our slowest at 9:02 (tide clearly having an impact).  Around this time, Hirsch came cruising past on someone else's feet and I made the relatively quick (and frankly bold) decision to bridge up and over to Dave's feet.  Thankfully this worked and I dropped in on Dave's feet.  Dave's a very strong swimmer, even with his on-going shoulder recovery, but his kick (while drastically better than mine) is much less pronounced than Midge's kick so it was a bit trickier to follow Dave.  The next two 500s at 8:28 and 7:27 per 100 I was either on Dave's feet or towards the end I was next to him after needing to avoid some other swimmer traffic.  At 2,100 yards (roughly half-way) I was at 34:21--a 68+ minute pace (vs. my 63:31 CR here).

As we headed to the final 4th turn buoy I decided to roll the dice and see if I could put some distance between Dave and I and I upped my swim cadence and I think we also were now getting a tidal push.  In any event, the 7th 500 passed in 7:11.  I did begin to slowly inch ahead of Dave.  At the 4th turn I was about 5-yards or so in front of him.

When I rounded the turn buoy, about 700-yards from the finish (and this is oh so familiar as I have swam this stretch probably 50 times in practice) I see three guys swimming abreast about 7-10 yards in front of me and I decide to try to bridge up to them and maybe break away from Dave.  I go to about 98% for about 15 seconds and I'm able to drop into their wide draft.  I eased back on my effort a little bit with this assist.  I looked back a couple of times for Dave but couldn't see him.  We were flying now and getting a nice push and we hit 4,000 yards with a 6:20 500 (1:16/100).  About 150 yards out I feel a bump to my right (blind) side and look over and see Dave!!!!  5-alarm fire! However, upon further review it wasn't him but a younger guy with the same wetsuit. 

I didn't know it wasn't Dave so I literally went 100% full-tilt. I could feel "Dave" falling behind and I hammered it all the way to the finish, even passing 3 other swimmers.  The last, what turned out to be, 122 yards went by at a 1:20/100 pace and this includes climbing up on a ladder and going about 10 feet to the timing mat.  I put in a pretty significant effort but I seemed to recover pretty quickly--much quicker than back in July with the 1.2-mile swim.  Anyways, here is how 2024 compares to my prior 4 races:

So, I'm very happy with this race.  It was my second fastest time but when adjusted for different course lengths (if you believe my Garmin is that accurate) this year was my fastest pace per 100, just slightly faster than 2022.  My percentiles were lower in 2024 than in 2022 and as I compare to specific people from 2022 to 2024 it does appear that 2024 was a faster course than 2022.  

None-the-less, I'll gladly take it!  I ended up being just a bit faster than Dave and Midge and I was also a few seconds ahead of Fabrizio for the 2nd race this year.  This is amazing to me because I train with Midge and Dan a lot and they are both better swimmers than I.  I think I just got lucky and also clearly had a good day for these two swim races this year.

Here are some other stats from the race:

Saturday, August 24, 2024

July Monthly Training Totals

 Continuing in the theme of catching up--here is what July looked like versus the first 6 months of the year--first the Swim:

So, you can see in July I was able to get back on track after having to do a lot of travel in May/June to help my bother and mother after my Brother's car accident.  Went nearly 43,000/yds in July which is basically where I wanted to be at in July.  Unfortunately, missed a bunch of time in August, so this will drop down quite a bit again but at least I was able to climb to this level in July!

For the Bike another relatively low month and frankly, not nearly enough quality miles as well.  For me in mid-summer, I'm quite a ways off in fitness terms from where I have been in past summers--especially when I've been building for a fall Ironman.

As for my run/walk, I continue to plug along in the 25+ miles/week with no more than 8 miles run/week so far this year.  Not that much, but my new knee feels great and I'm thinking about pushing here in the fall and seeing if I can knock my 5k time down a bit more.....

I continue to de-emphasize PT/Weights but am planning to return in the October timeframe:

Finally, my overall training Tim, I've been in the low 90 hours/month since adopting my summer routine.  A lot of this drop off has been due to my PT deemphasis but also the drop in bike mileage has also played a role.   My swim/run time have remained steady to up over the last few months....

I'm certainly not in the best triathlon shape but I feel pretty good, I'm relatively lean and enjoying some modest success with my racing and generally enjoying my training and racing so all-in-all, I'm pretty content with where I'm at so far in 2024!

OK time to catch up a bit--First Update: Swim Race tomorrow!

 Ok, I'm way behind but now have the time to begin catching up!

Firstly, I'll highlight my next race which is the Cedar Island "5k" swim.  It really is more like an Iron distance swim of around 4,200 yards.  Here is a summary of the 4 prior times I've raced this race:

As you can see I have generally been improving relative to the field in this swim through the years.  It is a very competitive race with now 250ish people entered.  While I did not race last year due to a wedding I had a great race (for me) in 2022 swimming around the 70th %-tile overall and 80th in my Age Group.

I'm not in the same swim shape I was in August 22, when I was deep in my Kona prep but I hope to break 70 minutes this year and if I could get close to 65/66, I'd be thrilled.

Here is what the 2022 race looked like:

So it would seem last year was about 90 yards short of an Ironman swim.  This could be a function of buoy placements and my swim path but also due to inaccuracy in my Garmin (and the fact I've used different watches through the years.  In any event, the average distance I've recorded over these 4 swims has been 4,181 yds so pretty close to the 4,200 yards (2.4-miles) that I think of the race being: