Saturday, August 24, 2024

July Monthly Training Totals

 Continuing in the theme of catching up--here is what July looked like versus the first 6 months of the year--first the Swim:

So, you can see in July I was able to get back on track after having to do a lot of travel in May/June to help my bother and mother after my Brother's car accident.  Went nearly 43,000/yds in July which is basically where I wanted to be at in July.  Unfortunately, missed a bunch of time in August, so this will drop down quite a bit again but at least I was able to climb to this level in July!

For the Bike another relatively low month and frankly, not nearly enough quality miles as well.  For me in mid-summer, I'm quite a ways off in fitness terms from where I have been in past summers--especially when I've been building for a fall Ironman.

As for my run/walk, I continue to plug along in the 25+ miles/week with no more than 8 miles run/week so far this year.  Not that much, but my new knee feels great and I'm thinking about pushing here in the fall and seeing if I can knock my 5k time down a bit more.....

I continue to de-emphasize PT/Weights but am planning to return in the October timeframe:

Finally, my overall training Tim, I've been in the low 90 hours/month since adopting my summer routine.  A lot of this drop off has been due to my PT deemphasis but also the drop in bike mileage has also played a role.   My swim/run time have remained steady to up over the last few months....

I'm certainly not in the best triathlon shape but I feel pretty good, I'm relatively lean and enjoying some modest success with my racing and generally enjoying my training and racing so all-in-all, I'm pretty content with where I'm at so far in 2024!

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