Monday, January 15, 2024

2024--WEEK 2

 This week was strongly impacted by my Wed-Sun trip to very frigid Minnesota to help my Brother as he was moved from the hospital to a long-term rehab facility (he is recovering from a bad wound in his foot and getting ready to have his hip replaced--among other things).  I also was at our Cabin on Ten Mile Lake getting it in fighting shape and ready to go into a bit of hibernation for the balance of the winter.  Needless to say, my training was pretty impacted by the lack of good options (no pool for example) and the 200+ miles I had to drive each day to/and fro Dave's rehab place and the Cabin.

I also was there during the first major cold snap of the year and by default, my best training option was to walk outside.  Here is what yesterday's walk was like:

I had anticipated the cold and brought along a bunch of my high altitude cold weather gear and the walks I did there (every day) were actually quite enjoyable....Crazy to do an 87-minute walk and see absolutely no sign of human life!

Anyways, here are the totals for the week:

Swim: 3,000 yards.  Managed to up the volume by 50% over Week 1, as I begin the process of ramping up.  I'll plan to up it 50% again this week to at least 4,500 yards....I feel pretty good given the 3-4 months off that I had (just a couple of easy swims down in Mexico over Thanksgiving).

Bike: 190 miles

Walk/Run: 18.9 miles

Weights/PT: 3:00

Total Training Time: 21:13

I have some work stuff to travel for this week but all-in-all this should be a more normal week...

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