Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Kona 10/5: T-Minus 13 Hours: Locked and Loaded

Ok, pretty much every checklist has all the boxes checked off at this point and now its time to Zen out and embrace the mellowness!

I did one last easy ride of about 15 miles out to the Energy Lab turn-off and back.  I felt great on the bike.  I'd feel like I was riding easy and look down and see 200+ watts--kept having to ease-off.  Averaged close to 19mph on about 145 watts...oh, to do that tomorrow! (lol).

Later I went over to swim and encountered the Bike/Transition Bag madness.  It took me a while to figure out that I needed to go over in front of the Honu restaurant (where we exited the Sunday 2.4-mile swim race) to get out into the bay.  It was choppy from the mid-day wind and I noticed a bit more swell then we've had most of the last week.  I didn't swim particularly fast but felt quite comfy in the water--did a bit over 700 yards.

Spent the afternoon chilling for the most part and did a couple of Facetimes with my family back east.

When it was time to go check in (I was in the 4-5pm slot) we couldn't find the car keys.  Anders and Judy looked all over while I tried to just sit back and relax.  We finally decided that I should just ride over to check in and Anders followed me over on the e-bike we've rented.  Long-story short, I had the keys in my back-pack that I was using to carry by Transition bags over....tail between the legs time!  In another post at another time I'll tell you about my biological grandparents on my father's side who were committed to an insane asylum in their 30s and diagnosed as "feeble-minded".  Apparently their blood line runs strong in me....

Anyways, here are a bunch of pics Anders took as I headed over to get checked in:

In transition I ran into Midge Kerr who is the big boss there!  When I broke the strings on my bike transition bag she jumped in and helped me out!

Anyways, back home now and chilling.  Judy is making us some pasta with marinara sauce and chicken.  We're going to watch Lionel's latest Youtube and then try to get some sleep and have at it tomorrow!

I'm number 2655 if you want to follow my (slow) progress around the course...

Onwards and Upwards!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your race and the knee replacement, I am actually in the same spot as you, next years race and then a right knee replacement, so I would really like to be selfish and ask that you blog on that as well, final item what knee brace do you use and why, looks more like a compression sleeve, no bracing? Good Luck and really enjoy the day.

Anonymous said...

Go out and have fun Randy!