Sunday, May 10, 2020

and another week bites the dusk

Here are the results for week 19:

Swim: 0
Bike:  324 miles
Run/Hike: 35.4 miles
Time: 28:28

Here are a few charts that show how my training volume has evolved this year so far--hard to believe we are more than a third through the year!  I display the volume as a trailing 4-week average:

So, I've been able to settle in to a sustainable, and admittedly large amount of training.  Observations:

1. Swim: not happening yet, but I'm hopeful it will begin to over the next few weeks

2. Bike: I've been generally growing my frequency and volume to the point where I'm comfortably riding 2X/day and 300+ miles/week.  The big dip down was our 11 days in Utah snowboarding.  the small dip at week 15 was my out and back to Kansas to bring Jen home.  My last 4 weeks have all been over 300 miles.

3. My run/hike has been on a solid upward trajectory and I'm comfortably above 30 miles/week now. I've actually had 18 days in a row where I did one or the other.  I do see it leveling off now and gradually shifting more towards running.  All of this is very easy.

4. Training time is pretty locked in between 25 and 30 hours and the general upward trend I would expect to level off as this is a lot of training, even for me!

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