Monday, November 4, 2013


So, last night brought little sleep. event to trouble me...and I am the king of sleepers....still,  just jacked and so about 2 hours or so of shut-eye....

alarm set for 3:45 but turned it off at 3:32....ready to rock and fresh brewed (Kona of course) and rolling in the Black Beauty at 3:52 precisely. 

Through Baltimore and DC before they were really awake and onto the magical HWY-211 in Virginie as the sun stretched it's muscles.

On through Thorton Gap and then out and doing it by 7:52am.  I'm impressed by that because i did it....not easy to do truth be told

Up through Hawksbill Summit (highest peak in the SNP)  and then the White Oaks loop.  Very challenging and rewarding day.  Almost 7 hours.  Great weather.  Here are some of the bonafides:

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