Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2024 Weekly Volume Distributions

Below is a summary of the distribution of my weekly SBR volumes and total Training time for 2024:


We saw earlier that I swam 245,610 yards in 2024.  My average weekly volume turned out to be 4,723 yards.  Here is how my weekly swim volume was distributed:

My most frequent weekly swim volume was between 5,000 and 9,999 yards--this happened in 23 weeks in 2024 or 44% of the time.  I only had 4 weeks where my volume climbed above 10,000 yards--this is something that I'd like to change in 2025--perhaps 8-10 weeks is a good target to shoot for.  

Also, note the ZERO weeks--1 out of 4.  This is somewhat of a design feature of my training as I take a few months off in the fall/early winter each year.


I biked 10,471 miles in 2024--an average of 201 miles/week.  Here is the distribution of weekly bike miles:

My most common week was 200-249 miles and nearly 60% of the weeks I'm 200+ miles.  I had no ZERO weeks but had 1 week below 100.  That was in November when we were sailing around the Galapagos and during that week I snuck in 80 miles on the ship.  

I plan on getting a couple 300+ mile weeks this summer....


I did 1,214 Run/Walk miles this past year.  This was a weekly average of 23.3 miles. Here is how the distribution looked:

My most common week was 20-24.9 miles and about 80% of the weeks I was above 20 miles/week.  I had no ZERO weeks and in fact had no weeks below 10 miles.  With Hadrian's Wall on the agenda for 2025, I suspect I have some bigger volume weeks this year.

Training Time

2024 Training time came in at 1,222.9 hours, or about 23.5 hours/week.  The distribution:

My most frequent week was 20-24.9 hours.  Over 80% of the weeks were above 20 hours.  I had no weeks lower than 10 hours of total training time.


That's a lot of work for an old guy!  If anything, I AM consistent!

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