Monday, July 15, 2024

MId-July Duo Race Week Post #1

Ok, this first blog post on last week is to just summarize my training volume.  Post 2 will be on the 1.2-mile open water swim race and Post 3 on the Sprint Triathlon I did this past weekend.  Without getting into any details, I had a great racing weekend--at least in my opinion---check back over the next couple of days for my breakdown of those two events.

Back on the training front, with a Saturday LC open-water swim and a Sunday Sprint Triathlon, I elected to back off just a bit Thursday-Sunday, training -wise.  Specifically,  I didn't swim on Th/F and really dialed back my bike on F/S as well as just did easy, short walks on F/S.  Here is how the week's training volume shook out as a result:

Swim: 7,300 yards.  While I missed one swim and a second (Sprint Triathlon) was really short, I still hit a pretty solid swim volume number.  Today is 7/15, and I already have more swim volume in July then I did in May/June.  July will likely be my biggest swim training month in 2024.....

Bike: 186.4 miles.  This is about 50 miles too low given where I'm at fitness wise but reflects the mini-taper I did above.  I plan to heavy up on my bike volume this week....

Run/walk: 26.6 miles.  Pretty solid week distance-wise although with the triathlon on Sunday, I elected to do no running prior to the race this week, so with the exception of the 5k I raced yesterday, this was all walking.

PT/Other: 25 minutes.  Just did a short stretching session--continuing to deemphasize this aspect of my training and will continue to do so until October/November.

Total Training Time: 20:57.  I actually trained a bit more Mon-Wed but backed off as I outlined above in the back half of the week.  I may (40%) do a swim-race this Saturday but even if I do, I plan to bump my training time up into the mid 20s this week.

Anyways, super-pumped with how things are going this year.  I've raced 5 times this year at this point (2 Tris, 2 Runs, 1 Swim) and all of them have been really strong given what I was trying to achieve!  Details on race 4, a 1.2-mile open water swim race up next!

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