Sunday, January 31, 2021

Week 5 and January Totals: Not perfect but reasonable progress so far

 So today was the 5th Sunday in 2021 and since my training weeks end on Sunday this was the 5th week of the year--almost 10% through already.  This also completed January, 1 down and 11 to how time flies!

Here are the totals in some nifty tables:

The Swim

So first off I'm showing 2012, 2020 and this year.  I did Kona in 2010, 12 and 14 but for 2010 I don't have the training data readily available.  And as mentioned before, I spent most of January 2014 in South America climbing Aconcagua.  So for now, 2012 is my best Kona prep year to compare to.  I also included 2020 when I thought I was prepping for Kona (the 2020 race which was moved to 2021 due to CoVid and this is the race I'm aiming for this year).

So you can see in the last week I was more or less equal with 2012, which if I could match for the year would be a real home run for me.  I'm still behind for the month as due to CoVid I stayed out of the pool for the first three weeks this year.  Last year I had some tendonitis issues in my fore-arms and stayed out of the pool.

Looking ahead to February I'd like to be solidly into the 30k range.  If the snow is reasonable, I'll start tomorrow morning...

The Bike

A long-term trend has been my increasing bike miles as I age (unfortunately these miles are slower).  You can see that clearly above in both time frames.  I'm fighting some peroneal issues in my bad leg so I'm being more cautious--still I was able to hit 1,400 miles for the month (truth be known, when I entered my training for the day I saw I was at 1,399.3 miles so I hopped on my recumbent trainer for about 3 minutes)--most at limited power.  More on this later but I'm generally optimistic about my progress in the months ahead.

The Run

My aforementioned leg issues combined with the long-term deterioration in my knee and surrounding areas means I have done no running this year but did walk 10 miles.  I hope to begin running in March--this is a two month delay from my original plan but I think prudent given my leg.

Training Time

The trends here have been clear for a while.  I'm getting a fair bit slower now, my running is on its last dregs, but I'm training longer and longer as perhaps a bit of compensation.  In any event, my capacity and enjoyment of getting after my training endures unabated despite my age and leg problems

Onward and upward!

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