Monday, May 20, 2019

Day two hiking Isla Del Sol and off to Copacabana

Another day of hiking on the Isla del Sol and a great picture of Randy and Anders below ready for the trails. Both Christofferson guys are feeling good; Anders is his usually strong self, and Randy is adjusting more to the altitude....just in time to go higher! They called after 5 or so hours wandering and climbing the island terrain and were about to rest in their room and then reconvene to watch the sunset over Lake Titicaca before team dinner. 

Lunch on the trails with the crew

Corn, potatoes, quinoa,  possibly chicken and some other mystery food!

The Andes Mountains across the lake at sunset

Sun setting on the horizon

The team spent last night (Sunday night) in the same eco lodge on the island and packed up today to head to the serious stuff. They travelled by boat over to Copacabana, Bolivia, a small town on Lake Titicaca and a popular stopping point for travelers crossing to or from adjacent Peru.  An icon in this village is the Basilica of Our Lady of Capacabana, a 16th century Spanish colonial shrine that houses the sacred image of the Virgen de Copacabana, the patron saint of Bolivia.  They spent an hour or so sightseeing before loading onto a bus to drive to the trailhead at the base of the Condoriri mountain range.  They will set up camp there and sleep in tents for this first time this trip before heading up into the high mountains aiming towards their first of three summits on Wednesday.

Some pictures below of scenes from Copacana 

The 16th Century Basilica, sacred to ancient Incas and today's predominantly Catholic population

Some local "flavor" --- and a camera shy shop owner

Communication might get a bit more challenging as they head up into the higher altitudes away from any cities and cell towers.  They have a satellite phone which should work at times, so I hope to hear from them and will update on their progress. 

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