Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Catch up on training status

 Quick catch up:

Week 18 has my biggest volume week (time-wise) and was my second consecutive week above 30 hours, which I would guess, I've never done before....

Swim: 6,500 yards

Bike: 217.4 miles

Run/Walk: 26.6 miles

PT: 4:45

Time: 33:04

Looking at this, it might seem strange that this amount of distance would equate to this much time, but I had two days down in Shenandoah climbing with a friend and that shows up in the Run/Walk, but with a lot more hours.  Of the 33 hours this week, 10 were in SNP (resulting in about 15 of the 26.6 run/walk miles).

Here is the summary by month and my observations:


Jan: 17,500.  Feb: 21,100.  Mar: 32,050. April: 31,500

My focus so far has been on just getting myself to the point where I can comfortably handle 10k+/week open water swimming by Memorial Day.  Mission accomplished.  Not to say I'm fast and in great racing shape--I'm not.  But I can easily handle this level of volume at this point.  Can't wait to jump back into open water swimming!


Jan: 1,046.  Feb: 944.  Mar: 1,002. Apr: 1,026

My base is solid.  I've begun to ride outside more and have begun some higher intensity sessions.  My attitude is my bike is my strength and while I'm not in great bike racing shape, I'm ready to move outside and start getting after it!  I havre a Tri this weekend and my expectation is to do OK by getting along with my natural strength here, as opposed to any real bike racing fitness--which I haven't really begun to build yet.


Jan: 82.6.  Feb: 100.2.  Mar: 111.3.  Apr: 100.3

As you've noted in my prior posts my basic focus has been to transition mostly walk/hike/climb to include running, especially higher intensity running.  I'm very pleased with my progress and have run 2X/week at 3ish miles per session (half of which were intervals/racing) for 3 straight weeks now.  I'm heading towards 3X/week running/10+ miles/week running and with my recent success racing and in my intervals continue to be hungry and excited about where my run might lead (in the context of being a 67-yo dude with an artificial knee).

PT (weights/flexibility)

Jan: 20:30.  Feb: 17:40.  Mar: 16:55.  Apr: 21:20

As noted in prior posts, I feel really, really good about my post surgery rehab and the progress I've made.  Frankly I expected April to be down from March, but my schedule worked out in a way that I continued to make heavy time investments in this.  As I transition to my summer schedule, this will fall off dramatically...essentially shifting to a maintenance mode for the summer--maybe 7-10 hours/month going forward.  I'm very happy with my post surgery recovery--what a positive, life-changing thing for me!

Total Training Time

Jan: 114:44.  Feb: 111:46.  Mar: 125:24.  Apr: 123:27

Welcome to my pro level training investment (lol).  Yes I know, this is an excessive amount of training over the first 18 weeks of the year--basically 4 hours/day for the first 130 days of the year.  but to be honest with you, no problem for me and I'm frankly motivated to do more.

Full stop.  The pattern breaks here.  I'm ramping up my intensity and I'm looking at my first Triathlon of the season this weekend (plus a Board meeting this week) and so I'm taking a real easy/"taper" week this week to get ready for the Delaware State Championships this weekend....I'll post my views on that before the race on Sunday, but I'm super pumped for the race, know I'm not in the best race shape (by design), but thinking I need to bring home the (Age Group) crown (lol)....

onwards and upwards!

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