Monday, February 6, 2023

New Knee--10 weeks in...

 Looks like I'm starting to turn the corner a bit now.  I've been going to PT and this has helped (or at least not hurt) my recovery a bit.  I'm getting a lot more m ability in the knee and for a fair amount of time each day I can actually walk around fairly normally--no limp!  The pain is far more manageable and I'm off of all pain killers including Tylenol and am now able to sleep close to 8 hours a night--I still wake up 3-4 times a night but shift around a bit and the pain subsides....much easier to deal with now!

The big news is I am now able to tolerate riding on my Wahoo Kickr/Zwift set-up and after driving home from Kansas last Monday and Tuesday morning, I was able to ride for 6 consecutive days starting Tuesday afternoon.  My last 4 weeks my bike mileage was: 19 miles; 60 miles; 36 miles and 128 miles this past week!  I'm not putting out very impressive power (100-140 watts generally) but Its definitely heading in the right direction.  I'm a little surprised at how challenging it is for my left quad, but I guess the inactivity has really detrained my left leg (and right for that matter).

I'm still just walking about 10 miles/week but I actually did a 2.2-miler yesterday, which was the longest of my post surgery and I plan to do more on it this week.

I'm just swimming 1-3X week right now mostly because of my schedule but I plan to ramp that up after Kara's wedding in a couple of weeks......

Onward and Upward!

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