Monday, November 28, 2022

Ok, the new journey is about to commence!

 Sorry for the long radio silence.  Lots going on over the last 6 weeks post Kona.  We delayed leaving until we were past the CDC recommended  wait period.  With the paxlovid my symptoms were pretty mild.  But also, I did a get a CoVid rebound and so I was dealing with an active infection for about 15-17 days or so.

Since then, a lot of traveling including supporting Anders at IMAZ where he did a 9:36.

I’m now within the final 36 hours of getting a “Kinematic Total Knee Replacement” of my woeful and painful left knee.  I’d be a liar if I said I’m looking forward to it.  I’m certainly not!  The post surgery pain, loss of mobility and the longish recovery period are not something I am excited about!

That said, I am hopeful to eventually get to a higher functioning knee joint, that is significantly less painful.  This will make the next weeks and months worth it.  And I still have some ambitious adventures goals I’d like to pursue over the next 5+ years, so here we go….

I’ll try to chronicle the experience if I can see through my “Oxy-fog!”

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