Sunday, January 23, 2022

Twins!!! Two big, very similar weeks back-to-back. Plus Zwift Badge Hunting

 Two updates in this post.  Firstly, I was able to stay on a roll and continue to put down, what for me is, big swim/bike efforts.  Here is what I did this past week:

Swim: 11,200 yards

Bike:  404.5 miles  (first time ever back-to-back 400+ mile weeks)

Run: 7.7 miles

Weights/Yoga: 1 hour

Total Time: 29:45

Totals through the first 23 days:

Swim: 33,350 yards

Bike: 1254 miles

Run: 15 miles

Weights/Yoga: 4 hours

Total time: 90:23


Second, a fair amount of my riding right now is on Zwift.  One of my objectives within the Zwift metaverse is to ride all of the designated (badge eligible) routes.  When I first decided this in November/December, I had done about 50 of the then 82 routes.  Since then, Zwift has added 22 new routes with the Makuri Island world.  At this point I have completed 84 of the 104 routes (81%).  However, the final 20 are the real tough ones so in terms of distance I'm 54% complete and in terms of climbing I'm at just 44%.  While, this really isn't a m major driver of my training plan, I would like to knock off the rest of them this year, and ideally by the end of April.

Here is a summary of my current progress:

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