Friday, May 7, 2021

April/Run Build Updates

 Hey folks--sorry for being silent for a while.  Lot's going on professionally, personally, and triathlon wise!

Biggest news is I had the privilege of going out to support Anders at the St. George 70.3 this past weekend.  He killed it--really impressive race management!  Also got to see a pretty epic Sanders/Long battle at the front--very motivating.

I have two updates for you in this post.  First, is a summary of my monthly training volume through April:

On balance, I'm where I want to be given the limitations of my left leg.  I'm now beginning to ramp my run as I just completed my latest cycle of knee injections.  My swim volume was off mostly due to travel and other logistics.  April/May are hard swim months as I transition from indoors to outdoors.  By June, I have full access to open water swimming and I would expect in June to push upward again.

I had planned to race this weekend down in VA but social obligations are knocking me out.  Not to worry, I've now decided to go all in on doing Eagleman70.3 as my first Tri of the season--should be a good checkpoint on the way to Kona.  As such, I've started an Eagleman running ramp where I'm running twice a week (best I can do given the pain) and adding a mile each week.  I started at three miles and the first time I run easy and the second time I run at that distance a little less easy and try to improve.  Then I jump up a mile and repeat.  Here is my progress through the first five runs so far (pretty weak I know but this is the best I can do given my knee....

Onward and upward!

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