Monday, March 23, 2020

Upon further review...a change of plans

Well, like everyone else in the world right now, we've adjusted here to a new "normal" for what feels like a pretty long time.

My working assumption is that this year will be a year with no racing opportunities and that hopefully our Kona slots get transferred to 2021.

I'm also quite aware, relatively speaking, that is a minor concern at this point.  Our big focus is on our health and that of our family and friends.  Judy and I are rather lucky in that we can hunker down relatively easily in our home here in Delaware (Kara and Marshall are at the Beach).
We have a great gym here in our house and lots of people-free outdoors to get out into.

I'm locking into a routine of sorts.  I'm riding indoors (trainer and Zwift) mostly but hope to increasingly shift outside as it warms if that is still permitted.  I've found over the last two weeks that I can readily absorb 1.5-3.5 hours/day of riding.  I'm riding every day now and did 330 and 300 miles the last two weeks.

Further, I've decided to get outside and walk or run most days (I'm targeting 6/week at this point).  This will probably push my weekly distance to 30 or so miles.  I'm also lifting weights and stretching 3-4X week for 45-60 minutes.

This roughly works out to 25 hours/week which I seem well adapted to.  I want to carefully monitor this and will cut back if I feel the least bit of residual fatigue but it seems pretty normal for me right now....

Hang in there everyone!

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