Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 Training Plan and 1 week in

OK, here we are, off to the races in 2020!  I'm excited for the new decade, but not that excited that I'm now living in my 8th separate decade--well I am excited that I'm living but not so much about being so old...

In any event--here is a summary of my 2020 training plan (at 50,000 feet):

I just finished my first week of the new decade:

291 miles on the bike (I've done 3 of the Zwift FTP build workouts so far)
8 miles run
21:35 total time (about 3 hours of PT)

Last year the first week looked like this:

1,000 yds swim
260 bike
16 miles run

Pretty similar weeks for the most part (absent the running this year) and that's a good thing.  I think my training really worked well last year and the plan above is designed for the most part to mimic last year.

Onward and Upward!

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